
March 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  This day is to bring more awareness about the risks of contracting HIV and to encourage more women and girls to get tested and treated for HIV. HIV remains a significant health issue for women and adolescent girls, with more […]

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National HIV Testing Day is a day where we can all encourage people to get tested for HIV! Getting tested is the first step to help prevent the spread of HIV. Once you know your status, you can seek treatment, lower the amount of virus that is in your body […]

National HIV Testing Day 2014

Do you know yourself? Like, really know yourself? I am not talking about what you want to be when you grow up or what type of person people think you are. I am talking about your body. Do you know your body? May is National Masturbation Month and all I […]

National Masturbation Month