Summer Ready

When the sun starts to poke it’s head out and the temperature starts to head into the 70s, 80s, 90s and in some places like Sacramento, the temp goes into the 100s, we start to get “Summer Ready”.  What does it mean to be “Summer Ready”?  Do we have to go to the gym 2-3 times a day just to wear a bikini?  Do we have to start chugging protein shakes just to show our abs?  There is so much pressure for both men and women to get “ready” but what are we getting ready for?  Just put on a swimsuit….boom, you’re ready!

summer bod

Drinking lots of water during the summer is important and of course eating your fruits and veggies is a good idea for your health but if the aim is to be healthier for a season then we might be doing more harm than good.  There are many products and diet fads that are meant to be temporary but many people might try them for quick and permanent solutions.  Seeking to be healthier is a complete lifestyle change not a seasonal change.  We have to be careful that we are not overdoing it and harming our bodies just to fit in a bathing suit.

Misty-CopelandNo matter your body type, there is always going to be pressure from yourself or others about how you should look.  We put these pressures on ourselves or others to match the “beauty standards” that don’t even exist.  In recent news, Misty Copeland became the first Black Female Principal Dancer in American Ballet Theatre History.  She stated that she was told that her body did not match the traditional standards since she is more muscular and curvier than the other ballet dancers.  She could have easily been discouraged to continue her career because of those hurtful remarks about her body but she beat the odds and made her dreams come true despite the negativity she faced.  We all won’t meet these imaginary standards of beauty but that does not mean you can’t be successful or that you aren’t just as beautiful.

How the human body is displayed in the media can be a problem because it creates unobtainable standards and even taboos in our communities.  For instance, do you feel it is provocative or shocking to see a woman’s breasts in public?  Do you cover children’s eyes when a man is shirtless in public?  There is this Free The Nipple Campaign that is designed to create gender equality when it comes to censorship.  Some might think that women just want to walk around topless…well, if they want to, do it!  But really, what does a nursing mother do when her child is hungry?  What is so wrong about breast feeding in public?  There isn’t much of a difference between a man’s nipple and woman’s nipple anyway so why aren’t both sexes’ nipples being censored?  According to the Free The Nipple Campaign, it is illegal for a woman to be topless, including breastfeeding, in 35 states and in Louisiana a woman can even go to jail.  Personally, I can handle seeing a nipple over hearing a baby crying any day.

We should not ever feel ashamed of ourselves and how we look.  We shouldn’t be pressured to fit a bathing suit, we shouldn’t be told that we cannot do something because of how we look and shouldn’t be assumed because of censorship rules.  Some of these pressures can lead to eating disorders and if you or anyone you may know is suffering from an eating disorder, please seek help as soon as you can.  Everything needs to be in moderation including exercising.  You do not want to tear down your body and it is ok to rest so that your body can recover.  It is also ok to eat a burger every once in a while when you are hanging out with your friends too.  Enjoy the Summer BBQs!


It isn’t easy. We may all have moments of dissatisfaction of our bodies but continue to remind yourself that you are flawless.

Our bodies are beautiful!

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