POP This! – What does sexuality mean to you?

Our Youth Peer Educators were asked: What does sexuality mean to you?  Here are a couple of responses.  What do you think?  Agree, disagree or do you have your own definition?


 What does sexuality mean to you?

For some individuals, sexuality determines your identity. The dictionary defines sexuality but the dictionary definition could not explain how complex sexuality is. It means sex, the capacity to have sexual feelings, relationships, dating, sexual behavior or person’s sexual orientation and a whole other array of human experiences.

To me the first thing that comes to mind is being comfortable with my sexuality.  My mama had the “sex talk” with me when I was 3 years old; then when I was 6. I was 9 years old when I finally understood. Even then I don’t think I fully grasped it other than a man’s thing goes in the woman’s thing. IT WASN’T JUST KISSING THAT MADE BABIES!! I was shell-shocked. Most importantly, sex was to be saved for someone precious. [My mom] drew diagrams of the female and male reproductive system and explained in the most medical terms as possible. The rest I learned from school, but most importantly through experience.

From my experience, sexuality is more than a crush on some boy. The want to be with him in a more intimate way is the seed from which my sexuality grew. It was rocky; over the years boys had different perceptions of how sex should be, when they should have sex. I knew I wanted it. But I prided myself on being a virgin, until I met the one. Cheesy, yes! In reality, I had always been a sexual being, curious to discover what sex was like, yet hesitant to be sexually active and give the most precious part of me away. When I did, I was comfortable. I was comfortable knowing I wanted sex, comfortable with the person who wanted sex with me. That’s when I finally accepted my sexuality. It was a part of who I always have been. When I realized I was a sexual being, with sexual feelings and wants meant I had finally accepted my sexuality.

–          J


Sexuality is when an individual is confident and at peace in their own skin and has come to embrace their sexual orientation they most identify with.  Sexuality is furthered when an individual seeks out others who hold the same values as themselves; there by making it possible to build close friendships and relationships.

–          L

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