Sometimes I wonder why parents dread talking to their children about sex. The first time my mom talked about it, she drew what a uterus looked like on an old piece of mail and illustrated what happens when a woman gets pregnant. She felt like I wasn’t old or mature […]
Our Blog

Today is National HIV Testing Day! We want to encourage everyone to get tested and treated for HIV. More than 90% of new HIV infections in the United States could be prevented by getting tested and by making sure that those who are living with HIV are receiving early, ongoing […]
National HIV Testing Day #NHTD

I remember the exact moment I realized that I was pregnant. It was June 8th, 2013. It was a Wednesday morning. I was 18 years old. My boyfriend and I thought we were practicing safe sex. I woke up feeling this heaviness in my lower stomach. I was in […]
National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

April is STD Awareness Month and here you'll find helpful tips to protect yourself.
STD Awareness Month

Mean Girls is one of the most quotable movies of the twenty-first century; from “it’s like I have ESPN or something” to “stop trying to make fetch happen” the film is stuffed to the brim with hilarious and chaotic distinction. Though the plot of Mean Girls focuses on the competitive […]
Mean Girls: A Case Study

March 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This day is to bring more awareness about the risks of contracting HIV and to encourage more women and girls to get tested and treated for HIV. HIV remains a significant health issue for women and adolescent girls, with more […]
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Relationships, companionship, love, and friendship are things we all long for but some of us often fall into ones that show us more love than hurt. I would like you to read a story about a young girl who loved her abuser more than herself. At eighteen I fell in […]
I Thought it was Love

#LOVEISRESPECT No Title No Description February comes to an end, its time to recap on National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Abusive relationships have increased drastically in the last five years. It is estimated that 1 in 3 girls will have an abusive dating experience by the time she graduates from […]
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness

POP This! – Apparently it goes down in the DM, have you actually dated or hooked up with anyone who slid in your DMs? What advice would you give to someone considering it? If not, what advice would you give someone who doesn’t want messages and pics from randoms? […]
It goes down in the DMs

Did you know that the week of Valentine’s Day is CONDOM WEEK? We hosted an event to bring more awareness about condoms and different birth control methods.
Fun fact! - Condoms are the only birth control method that help prevent STIs including HIV. So condoms and birth control are the perfect pair ❤ #RelationshipGoals
Condom Week

Today, February 7th, is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. What does that mean? Well, today is meant to bring awareness and encourage HIV testing in the Black community. Compared with other races and ethnicities, African Americans account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses, those living with HIV, and […]
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

My mother always told me that when I turned 21 I needed to get a pap smear to make sure “things on the inside” are working properly. Pap smear? What in the world is that? I’m a visual person so I turned to my favorite website, YouTube, to see exactly […]