It goes down in the DMs

POP This! – Apparently it goes down in the DM, have you actually dated or hooked up with anyone who slid in your DMs? What advice would you give to someone considering it?

If not, what advice would you give someone who doesn’t want messages and pics from randoms?


It really goes down in the DMs! But honestly, as I get older I’ve learned to ignore people trying to be smooth in my DMs. Usually guys that try to contact me send the same “You so fine, what’s your name” and “You can’t be single”. And when you lie and say you’re taken and they still hit you with the famous “Can we be friends still?”

If you tell someone that you are not interested and they continue to repeatedly message you and make you feel uncomfortable, just do what I do. Find the “Block” button and press on it!


I remember a time a guy was trying to get my attention on Instagram by liking all my pictures, commenting on every single picture and sending me DMs almost every other day. I guess he got tired of waiting and thought it would be a good idea to slide in the DM and become bold. It must have been the wrong day to open this guy’s message because he built up the courage to send a nude picture. My eyes were on fire and I just couldn’t believe what I just saw.



Cat fishing has become a new trend on the Internet. However, to anyone who’s “talking” to someone online, I would say be very cautious and be smart. Don’t ever meet up with him or her without having someone with you for safety reasons and let people know where you’re headed. There is no shame in meeting someone online, whether for friendship or companionship.

Are they respectful?

Do they seem genuine?

Have you formed a genuine friendship?

If all goes well just know it’s okay. If you want to slide in someone’s DM try not to be too over the top or inappropriate because you’ll send the wrong message and get ignored, blocked or deleted. Don’t always assume they’re being stuck up if you get no reply. Maybe you just need to brush up on your on how you “spit your game”.

– Shazmine


Sliding in the DMs is any easy way to meet someone new, and I have to admit it has happened to me. At first I am usually caught off guard like who is this? How did they find me? Then I take a look on their page and realize that we either have mutual friends or have been to the same event. As the curious individual that I am, I respond back occasionally just to see where the conversation leads me. However nine times out of ten it is nothing I am interested in pursuing.

Since this is social media it is so easy to delete and never respond and move on with your life. There is nothing tying you down to this person, you are just instant messaging. The DMs can be a fun way to interact with someone maybe step out of your comfort zone and meet one of your best friends or maybe a new boo.

It is important to remember that while the DM is between you and that person screenshots are the number one way to get yourself caught up 🙂 So if you don’t want the world to see it, don’t send it.  

– Abby



Unfortunately, all of my past relationships or “talking” stage interactions started off with a DM. I’m surprised my current relationship didn’t start off that way. Instead we met each other at a football game and exchanged numbers there. Any who, it’s always the same cycle. It can go three ways:

1. You see a person at a party, school event, or around and you both make eye contact with each other. Once you go home either they stalk you on social media or you stalk them. You both follow each other, like a few pictures, then BOOM your DM starts to pop.

2. You follow them on social media or they follow you. You like a few pictures and slide into each other’s DM’s. You both realize you have a bunch of mutual friends (or none at all) and plan to meet up or see each other at an upcoming event.

3. The same as #1 with the exception of your friend helping you out or “putting you on.” Nowadays, it’s completely normal for someone to “slide into your DM’s” but there’s also a few rules:

  • If you’re going to slide into someone’s DM’s don’t come off desperate or “thirsty” as we call it now days.
  • Before you reply back, do some lurking. Make sure this person isn’t a creep, stalker, or psycho.
  • If you don’t have any mutual friends, there’s a red flag and the question of “how did you find me?” comes into play. In that case, I wouldn’t reply.
  • If you decide to meet up with that person, DO NOT GO ALONE. If you decide to go alone, send your best friend or roommate the address and phone number of the person you’re meeting up with… you know, for safety reasons.

If this has never happened to you or you don’t want to have anyone “slide into your DM’s” then there’s always the block button. I mean, you can’t help if you’re poppin 😉

– Kamille

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