Being Thankful

35094-Happy-Thanksgiving-ClipartWhat are you thankful for? 

It has been awhile since we last posted but we do want to give a great big “thank you” to everyone who has helped SacPOP reach out to various people in the Sacramento community.  We have made a huge impact in Sacramento and we want to continue to keep giving free condoms and free HIV testing to everyone!

Fighting HIV is a hard task but it can be stopped one person at a time.  Many people are thankful for their family, friends and other loved ones and we want to make sure that your family and friends do not have to face an HIV diagnosis.  We want to make sure that you and your loved ones stay safe and use protective measures in order to reduce the spread of HIV.

As we gather around our dinner tables tomorrow, let us all reflect on the people in our lives.  Let us all think about how we can protect them from any harm.  Talk to your loved ones about using condoms, getting tested or just educating them on the facts.  We want to spread knowledge not STDs or HIV.

Have a safe and eventful Thanksgiving!

–          SacPOP

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